From On Turning To Dust
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Song Credits:
Cabin in Gloryland - (c) 1944 by O. A. Parris, writer - Cpl. Curtis Stewart.
Greensleeves interlude - English Melody - 16th Century.
There is a Fountain - Early American melody, words by William Cowper, 1771.
Passion Chorale - Hans Leo Hassler, 1601; harmony by J. S. Bach, 1729, words by Bernard of Clairvaux - eleventh Century.
Dinner at Grandma's - by Mark Heard, Pat Terry, left Vansant, Wayne King (c) 1975.
all other songs (c) Mark Heard, 1975

Studio Credits:
Mark Heard: Guitars, vocals, piano, synthesizer and hambone.  Earl Grigsby: Bass. Frank Godby: Banjo. John Heinrich: Pedal Steel. Chuck Long: Sandblocks Jim Pennington: Percussion. Strings arranged by Dave Aldrich and performed by the Lamay String Quartet.
 Cecil Jones: engineer.  Photography and cover design by Mark and Janet Sue Heard. Recorded at Lemco Studios, Lexington, Kentucky.
I wish to thank Billy Wren, Chuck Long, Pat Terry, Ron Moore, Lightning Vansant, Allen Akin and my folks for the work, help and encouragement they have provided.  Special love to Janet Sue.
This album is a collection of attitudes concerned with life in the framework of Biblical Christianity.

From On Turning To Dust
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